
Schacht Law Office is located in Bellingham, Washington. Detailed directions below.
Bellingham is located approximately 90 minutes north of Seattle and one hour south of Vancouver, B.C.


310 E Magnolia Street, Suite 201 | Bellingham, WA 98225


Phone: 360.647.0400 | Toll Free: 866.647.0400 | Fax: 360.647.0412


We welcome requests for information. Please let us know if you’d like a brochure and how best to contact you.
We look forward to talking with you.

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Getting to Schacht Law Office

Driving Directions

Please call us at (360) 647-0400, if you need assistance.

Northbound I-5 (from Seattle)

  • Take Exit 253 toward Lakeway Drive
  • Turn right onto King Street
  • Take first right onto Lakeway Drive
  • Turn slightly right onto E Holly Street
  • Turn right onto N Forest Street
  • Turn left into the driveway/parking lot


Southbound I-5 (from Vancouver, BC)

  • Take Exit 253 toward Lakeway Drive
  • Turn right onto Lakeway Drive
  • Turn slightly right onto E Holly Street
  • Turn right onto N Forest Street
  • Turn left into the driveway/parking lot
After turning right onto N Forest St, look for the Schacht Law Office sign on the left! If you have come to the traffic light on Magnolia St, you’ve gone too far.
If you use mapping software with turn-by-turn voice commands, it’s important to understand that both the office entrance and its parking lot are behind the building.
Here are some printer-friendly directions.